Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Food Industry/ Government Involvement

The FDA is suppose to regulate the food we eat. They make companies put nutrition labels in almost all products. But what about the ingredients going into making your food? Do they label "Grown in a Pesticide Farm" or "Cows with e.coli"? The government should open the blinds to the american people so they can see what actually goes into their food. As a citizen, I believe i have a right to know where my food is grown/raised, whether or not they're using chemicals or altering my food in any way. Food inc. helps point out some of the flaws in these big companies who run the food industry. These companies should have to be inspected way more often. When a company denies any outside media to take a "closer look" at how they run their farms, people should start to question the food they eat and buy. The government needs to make new laws allowing every farm to be inspected, and that products that are altered with chemicals and whatnot, need to be posted in the label.

Oil Spill/Government Involvement

As many of you may know, there is an oil spill going on in the gulf of mexico. It has been spewing oil since late April and continues through May. In BP's "worst case scenario" about 90 million gallons have leaked into the gulf of mexico(May 26, 2010). The spill has been going on for over a month, and BP plans to take action today wednesday May 26, with a live feed to them shooting mud into the pipes. Should the government step in? Take over? Someone needs to step up. We cannot continue to let oil spill into the Gulf. I believe the government should take control of the problem since BP hasnt been able to shut it down. The government also should lay a HUGE fine on BP, not only for the problem, but the lack of urgency. BP built the oil rig, did they not know how to shut it off? BP needed to act quickly and urgently, and did not, Therefor the  Government should step in NOW. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BEARS 2010

Another season is coming up. The bears look to be a solid team, but are known for dissapointing fans. They solidified their team over the offseason with new coaches and players. Big names like Julius Peppers and Chester Taylor joined the squad along with Mike Martz as OC. Jay promised the playoffs this year, and "In Jay We Trust". Im going to the Bears Patriots game on 12/12 and the Bears Redskins game 10/24. Cant wait for fantasy football to start up again


dont capitalize meh. that takes away from the word. not even Meh. its just meh. its a word to use when you dont give a sh*$, dont really care, its boring, or unentertaining. Old people dont know what it is used for. Just like my teacher who tried capitalizing the whole word. LOL nOOb. im sure i will be asked what nOOb is also......

Blackhawks Flyers Sat 7pm

Its official, Hawks play Philly on sat game 1. There as hot as us right now. I think well take care of them in 5 games. Niemi has been amazing in the playoffs. Everyones contributing. Hopefully i can snag a ticket to one of the games. that would be incredible. tickets are very pricey since it is the final. GO HAWKS!

Monday, May 24, 2010


What has this world come to. Fast food everyday, fatty's everywhere. This world is gross. The food we eat is gross. How do people go about not caring what they eat? Not to mention people who never exercise.I need to move everyday or i get bored. Time for the summertime diet. Lunch meat, veggies, and protein shakes, here we come

Advice for pet owners

If you want a dog, you should be ready to train it. You gotta make sure it goes outside to go to the bathroom. Then when you got company you need to make sure it wont jump and bite anyone. Make sure you teach it tricks like sit and speak. Pets are also expensive since they need all these dog tags and shots. Before you know it, youl have spent thousands for a pet. But a dog is a man's best friend